The Board of Directors and Staff of CommunityWise invite you to join us for our 2021 virtual AGM! We encourage all Member groups to plan for at least one representative to attend. After a year of increased disconnection, we look forward to connecting with you again! Additional information will be sent out prior to the meeting: draft audited financial statements, proposed Bylaw amendment, Board election details. Date: Monday, May 31, 2021 Time: 6:30 to 8:45pm Location: ONLINE (Zoom link will be sent ahead of time to those who REGISTER) AGM Bingo: Do you want a chance to win a coveted CommunityWise door prize? Then be sure to take your chance with CommunityWise AGM Bingo! E-bingo cards will be available during the AGM. Everyone who plays will be entered into an additional door prize draw! |
Proposed Agenda (6:30pm start) 1. Welcome, Land Acknowledgement, and Introductions 2. Welcome by Elder Jackie Bromley 3. Overview of Virtual Meeting Processes and Expectations 4. Virtual Icebreaker 5. Approve the Agenda for AGM May 31, 2021 6. Approve the Minutes of AGM June 30, 2020 7. Business Arising from Minutes of June 30, 2020 8. Presentation and Acceptance of 2020 Audited Financial Statements, prepared by MBD LLP Chartered Professional Accountants 9. Proposal to Amend CommunityWise Bylaws 10. Election of 2021-2022 Board of Directors BREAK: approximately 7:40pm |
11. Presentation of Annual Report by Board of Directors and Staff Collective (video) 12. BLAC Conversations: conversation with Black Leadership Alliance Council (BLAC) members; an ongoing commitment to racial equity at CommunityWise. You can learn more about BLAC here. 13. Announcements (8:45pm end) |