The Place is an accessible, free, and collaboratively shared space within CommunityWise. It is QTBIPOC led.
Indigenous and Racialized Communities have been pushing for true recognition, equality, and inclusion since the beginning of the 2SLGBTQIA+ movement. The term QTBIPOC (Queer and Trans, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), developed as a way for folks to highlight the specific needs for BIPOC folks within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. QTBIPOC folks must navigate the effects of both racism and anti-2SLGBTQIA+ discrimination. “The Place” aims to honor these experiences and create supporting, enriching, and accessible space for QTBIPOC.
The project is led by and for QTBIPOC. It offers a wonderful, accessible, free, and collaboratively shared space within CommunityWise. We are looking for collaborators and users (organizations and individuals) of the space to meet community needs, events, and programs going forward.
The Place is several small offices, a kitchenette, larger meeting space and access to equipment. It has available funding for a wide range of programming ideas, projects and events to cover almost any cost.
If you are interested in learning more or would like to apply to use the Place please complete this short form and check out the terms of use here